'Cornish Chough'
Cornish Chough available to buy now through the shopping cart, signed, limited edition small or medium art print with cardboard backing and in compostible wrap.
Also available as a popular card printed onto recycled paper, with brown recycled envelope and in compostable, corn-starch wrap. OUT OF STOCK
The Cornish Chough
These swooping creatures are unmistakable in their call, and a flyby will show you their red beaks. Mating for life it is only recently that their numbers have been seen to build again in Cornwall, with breeding pairs more successful and often kept a close guarded secret.
A friendly sight on a Cornish Cliff Top, the Engine Houses seem to call them. Often blamed for many a gorse fire, despite their emblematic prominence in Cornwall, they were hunted to disappearing. Chough Hunting with binoculars a better sport. Many conservation schemes have seen success to aid them, particularly the observance that dung that has come from a treated animal, sterilises this waste and provides no home for their best love food, the beetle. Cornwall has had many a farmer rethink and their happy return and feasting has been a celebrated triumph.
These artist's prints of these birds are popular in Cornwall or as a token and reminder of great times, chough hunters, or by those visiting Cornwall for its wildlife.