"More than 200 artists, designers and makers will be welcoming socially-distanced visitors into their studios, with appropriate safety measures in place from 29th August to 6th September 2020. Participants who are not able to throw open their doors, for reasons of limited space or personal vulnerability, will be offering studio tours and additional digital content." See the website Open Studios Cornwall for full list of Open Studios in 2020.
I love Open Studios in Cornwall, I love being able to meet so many of you and the very 'busy'ness of it all. It's extraordinary the amount of people we have seen at Krowji in Redruth over the years. With so many artists and designers all taking part on the one site, it's also such a welcome opportunity for us all to get together.
As many of you will know, I have a small drawing studio at Krowji in Redruth, where I squeeze all of my work in together, with originals, the prints and the cards and it becomes a magic, treasure chest of canvas colour and flora and fauna for Open Studios. It tends to be a one in one out scenario or I hold court with a few of you in there at the same time and we all dance around each other.
As you might appreciate, this year that just doesn't feel appropriate, and nor does taking a bigger space there where you may have found me before.
Some of you may have guessed by now that I have a really wonderful, totally rural, rough and ready workshop where all of these massive pieces are housed, where the frames are finished and all not so far from home, a little harsh in the winter but perfect in the summer. In this day of ultimate sharing, I like to keep this space private to keep my focus on the work at hand.
As exhibitions were cancelled and things have changed course, I've been wondering how to go about this. The collection of pieces I have been putting together are just pretty fine. They speak to each other, and right now they are having a good old sing. I'm talking about the idea of a colour bath. It's like a colour bath in there. With these 'scapes and views that talk to you, of the light, of the weather, of the sun, heat and rain, and of visions further afield, conjoined experiences against the context of adventure far away and closer to home. The things perhaps right now we ache for. That lightness. That safety. That vibrancy.
So in light of this, and in keeping with how I went about Open Studios last year, I will make sure everything is filmed and photographed and keep pushing the boat out on that one as I do ever endeavour to do. If you would like to be on the pre-release of this material, then do drop me an email so I can add you to that CHLOË list. It's important that you do try and follow the 'stories' feature of instagram or facebook, where you might be able to get the gist of how things are progressing and how ready I might be to 'drop' the content. At the moment, things are still cooking, various bits and pieces are being finalised and some dates are out of my control.. so... it's all getting rather EXCITING!
If you would like to make an appointment to view the work at my rural workshop in the parish of Mylor by Falmouth, over the Open Studios Dates of the 29th August to 6th September 2020, this is 'what's on in Cornwall'.
Please send me an email with your preferred date and an AM or PM request, add chloe@chloegallery.co.uk to your 'safe list', so that my reply returns to your inbox, and pop your phone number in for good measure. I will reply with my terms of visiting, and advise you on the directions on the morning of your viewing.
As I walk to paint, depending how active you are feeling, I will be encouraging most to walk in along the footpath. No more than two people at a time and I will have very, very limited slots available. Consider how busy you've seen Open Studios before. If you are serious about buying something, you need to make sure that you get one of these slots.
I've found that 'visiting' anything at the moment is just another guise to make us feel uncomfortable and very present in ourselves in the 'unsafe'. I would like you to know now, that I believe in the idea of experience, I believe in the idea of shelter and I believe in the idea of the Idyll, even if that is what it is, a slice of something that perhaps can't endure as the mundane. Yet its very existence is so very, very important.
We all need to escape. Please rest assured that escaping and adventure is where it's at, and finding shelter in the wind. I believe in you and your power to transform your emotions through the experience. Hurrah! To lightness and brightness and that birdsong and the tides and the rush of wind through the trees. And perhaps if you feel like it you can pop for a takeaway pint or pimms afterwards down by the water. I will have some walks lined up.
To mention the work itself that you will be eyeing up and bathing in this season:
I will be showcasing vibrant, colourful landscapes, painted 'en plein air' through the seasons in Cornwall and in New South Wales Australia after the fires.
A body of work that leans into our relationship with the water, rivers & sea through adventure and safe harbour. Nature rich, beautiful sites. Ancient inspiration translated through a prism of hope.